Sunday 22 February 2015

Rosa Review

The Rosa dance clip made me feel drown to the characters and left me feeling like I was there with them due to the simplicity of the setting and the way they played around of the camera angles. The performance did not include a climax and was kept at the same tempo however the change in camera angles made a lot of difference to how the piece would have been had in been taken from just one shot. Throughout the play there were a lot of close ups to the character's faces who had strong neutral expressions. The close ups made me empathise with the characters because there wasn't much going on in the background and it felt like they were locked in that room and forced to stay on the chairs.

Their neutral faces in the close ups enforced the  point of being locked up because they kept their mouths shut and included some freeze frames of looking away from the camera during the close ups.

This got me thinking as a member of the audience because I more engaged to the action. After the close up there was a tracking shot which made me feel part of the journey that the character was on. Panning shots were also included in the dance ,they allowed the audience to have a different view of the characters which personally got me more engaged in the performance. This shot caught my eye the most and am considering having it when I record my performance. Quick change in the camera angles pushed me to imagine the type of person the character was and how things were in their lives rather than just watching their performance. Another camera angle that was featured in the Rosa dance was a framing shot which is similar to an over shoulder because your seeing the action through something else.

 This angle allows you to see things from a different point of view. Dance is all about expression which portrays your message to the audience. Two people can tell you the exact same thing and you would react differently, one aspect of this can be social status for example if someone of a high status advised you on getting rich you are more likely to listen in contrast to someone of a low status giving you the same advice. In this piece the director played around with low and high shots which varied as the piece progressed. Low shot angles make the audience feel less in power over the characters because they would be looking up to the character . On the other hand high angle shots make the audience feel in power over the characters because they would be looking down on them.

People react differently and a high angle shot could help connect the audience to the character because they can relate to that person for example , the audience could be of a low status and know how it feels to be looked down on or be of a high status and have made their way to the top. Overall doing this review I have learnt that the angles can have an effect on how people see things and not just keep their attention.

This dance contained some choreographic devices to give it depth. one of the choreographic included was canon , this allowed the dancers to compliment each other's uniform dance. The dance also had lots of repetition which can be effective because it can be what you remember piece about. I think that in this choreography there was too much repetition which made the piece boring. The choreographer played around speed juxtaposing slow movements with quick sharp ones which as grabbed my attention as a member of the audience. The dancers were sat on chairs through out the song, if I was the choreographer I would have played around with the levels more to give a better visual effect for the audience which is a step towards developing character because the audience would start to wonder why others are lower than others.  Fragmentation was featured to extended the length of piece ,  this is enforced by bits of snaps we see in the first minute (the movements are divided into quarters then later on shown randomly in the choreography.)

fashion (influence )

Fashion plays a big part in people's lives' especially young adults and most adults because they love to keep up with the latest technology and fashion. People want to keep up with what's trending and businesses put in lots of money in researching what they think people would love and want to buy. Fashion is not just clothing ,people live off it for example if someone invested lots of money in starting a trend and that didn't end too well because of a fall in sales then they would loose lots of money or even be out of business. Marketing plays a key part in fashion and determines what goes trending. Most companies pay celebrities and offer them free clothing so they can advertise their brands. Fashion also allows people to express themselves as individuals which can help you tell what age group that person is in or their social status and sometimes some aspects of their personality for example what music they like. Another way that fashion is promoted is through fashion weeks which promote thousands of jobs and attract lots of media attention. These fashion weeks are a great path for companies outside fashion to invest in through sponsoring to promote their brands for example in the London fashion week Vodafone are the main sponsors of the big event. Fashion lovers are then lowered to like Vodafone because they sponsor an event that they feel passionate about. The business aspect of it goes on but the main function of fashion in the world is to allow individuals to express themselves.

Monday 9 February 2015

costume list

The brief

 a concept

Research (from script)

the play                  


London fashion week

Initial designs

costume plot
fabric costings
suitability of costume for the character


make up

final design

close ups
detailed drawings
costume costs (whole costumes)
back and front designs
analysis (reason for choosing those as final designs)
