Tuesday 6 January 2015

Post Performance Analysis of Faustus

Classical theatre

For this assignment we were put in pairs we were put in pairs at random and I was paired with Sophie. After our piece feedback stated that we had good use of the space which was an improvement for us because in the first showing we struggled to move around therefore we wanted to pay attention to our spacial awareness. Good spacial awareness resulted in our performance not being static which allowed us to focus on other things. We had good clarity which made it easier for the audience to understand the Shakespearean english, this went well with us not being nervous because it allowed us to slow the piece down in contrast to other groups who rushed their performances making it harder for the audience to understand what they were saying.  

This was not a devised piece therefore the learning of lines was crucial however I didn't have all my lines learnt because I thought the assignment was being filmed a week later. Both myself and Sophie had not fully learnt the script therefore we decided we had to furthermore cut some lines from the script, this was challenging because we had to balance having less lines with not taking out too many lines that our final script made no sense. in the end we did come up with a shortened version of what we were originally going to perform and leaned those lines by heart in a small time frame , this falls under both our strength and weaknesses because on one side we did learn the lines and didn't freeze on the stage like other groups did, for example in one pair one of them didn't learn their lines which lead them to an awkward pause, in another group where the other member of the pair had to improvise because the other person had not learnt the lines.

Our performance went well but could have been better if we had learnt our lines earlier because that would have enabled us to focus on other factors of our performance.

In contrast to the other groups our characters did not clearly show who had more power because our interpretation was that a dealer and the one buying are both equally important in a drug deal scene because without the other the deal would not be possible. I think that our interpretation was good however we could have enforced the idea that they were both in power by playing around with levels for example when they first meet in the scene both of them would have been in the same level because it implies that they both need something the other one has.

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