Tuesday 6 January 2015

Preparation for Dr Faustus


Faustus - for the preparation for the audition we got to choose one of the five options provided. I chose choice five (act 5 scene 1) for my audition because I didn't know anything about the storyline and I found choice five the easiest to picture in my head on how I would stage it. in the lesson we read through all five choices and did a bit of analysis which helped a lot because I was finding difficulties with some of the Shakespearian language. we also got to know more about the storyline which helped me get a better understanding of where my character would put emphases on the script which also gave me ideas how to stage it. my character doesn't have a name but it says 'old man' this helps me picture what he looks like ,how he would walk, tone of his voice. in classic plays old men have been known to be wise and give warnings to those in power for example Sophocles has a character of an old man who come to warn the king to change his ways in Antigone. Faustus is similar to 'Creon' because after gaining power he became arrogant and thought he was unstoppable and also went against the 'sweet saviour' mentioned by the old man. the key points that I learnt from this lesson was the story line. I found out that Faustus was an academic who sold his soul to the devil for a bit of pleasure and from the context this was in a time where people took religion very serious which is enforced by the character of the 'old man' by the use of word like 'celestial ;mercy ;grace and soul'

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