Wednesday 16 December 2015


Allows companies to target a segment of people with particular needs. Bussineses can segment the market through demographic , geographic, pschographic and behavioval segments.

Segmenting consumers by their age, income levels , education/occupation and gender. A product targeting teachers may not sale very well because teachers range in age. Marketers need to incoperate multiple segements within the demographic segment. A company looking to sell an expensive technological device may look to target teenagers that come from families with high income levels as that age group are very influencial in family decisions such as holiday destinations.  
Strategically placing a product that would function effectively in a location to satisfy consumer needs. Selling solar panels in England would not be a wise idea because it rains throughout the year in contrast to Spain where its sunny for longer over the year. Urban and rural areas have contrasting needs as urban areas generally have less space therefore selling bigger equipment to rural areas would generate more profits.

Segmenting consumers dependant on their lifestyle interests and attitudes.More effective strategy because it overcomes gender and age aspects allowing the marketer to target a bigger yet specific segment. I think that this would be the most effective for my campaign because the brand is worn mainly by athlets (lifestyle resinating hardwork and archiving self optimum level)

Targeting consumers through their purchases. There is a weak corolation to what people say they will buy or do to what they actually do making this strategy the most effective. 

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